
Archive Boxes, Consoles, Wheelie Bins and Shredding Sacks

Archive Boxes – sold in flatpacks of ten and are easy to erect. They are double skinned, high quality boxes which are robust enough for regular movement if necessary. They have a 16kg weight limit. The Standard Size is listed below. Other bespoke sizes may be available via our manufacturer. Contact us for further details.

Standard box – H 270mm x W 345mm x D 425mm

Shredding sacks – can be ordered when required. 16kg maximum weight

Wheelie Bins – lockable bins provided free on a shredding contract. Ideal for workshop situations

Shredding cabinets – we can provide lockable cabinets for confidential paperwork. Once posted through the slot only the nominated keyholder can retrieve anything from the cabinet. Free if on a shredding contract or for sale.

Ring 01283 815748 or email for more information or a quote